Topic outline

  • Hi Ben and Fullar, 

    Below you'll find some samples of our work to provide an indication of:

    • Animation: simple vs complex, style, and informational vs storytelling
    • Videos: talking head style videos where we can prompt or coach clients to film and complete post-production, we can record remotely and complete post-production, or do the whole shebang (end-to-end on-site filming and post-production).

    Whichever mode you'd like to move forward with we can certainly help with some, all or none.

    For each of the below, we've provided a brief description. Click on the name (hyperlink) to access each one and if you want to blow it up to a larger size, please use the expand icon within the bottom right of the animation/video thumbnail screen.

    Any questions, please let us know.

    The Wavelength Team.

    • Video examples

    • Animations

    • Video with animation